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Your safety is Mary Kay’s top priority, but what makes Mary Kay® products safe for you while also being easy on the environment? In this interview, Dr. Cristi Gomez, Director of Product Safety & Environmental Toxicology, shares her insights about the Company’s safety standards and healthy habits you can cultivate to care for your skin.
Safety Dos & Don’ts
Don’t use the same brush for lip and eye products.
Eyes need protection from germs, even our own! Using separate brushes helps keep you healthy and gorgeous.
Do wash your brushes regularly.
Bacteria can grow in brushes if they’re not cleaned properly. Washing your brushes is important for proper hygiene.
Don’t share brushes, sponges, mascara wands or applicators.
Use fresh product and disposable applicators during a skin care or colour party, without double dipping. If someone needs more product, distribute it with an unused applicator.