Confident. Beautiful. Connected – Mary Kay Canada’s New Branded Career Car Amazes thousands at Annual Seminar

Mississauga, ON, July 30, 2018

In a surprise announcement in front of thousands at Mary Kay’s annual Canadian Seminar, the global cosmetic company unveiled the newest additions to its coveted Canadian career car fleet – the stylish Mosaic Black Metallic Chevrolet Trax LT and the Canadian-exclusive, limited-edition Summit White Chevrolet Equinox LT that showcases the new Confident, Beautiful, Connected branding campaign. Among a collective roar of excitement from enthusiastic independent sales force members, the Mary Kay career cars were unveiled on stage at the company’s convention in Mississauga. 

The two vehicles join the iconic Mary Kay pink Cadillac and the fleet of Mary Kay career car options available to top-performing, qualifying Mary Kay Independent Sales Directors. 

In 1969, Mary Kay Ash awarded the first five Mary Kay pink Cadillacs. For nearly fifty years now, Mary Kay career cars have served as a symbol of achievement within the independent sales force. Since the program started, 163,000 independent sales force members have qualified or re-qualified for the use of a Mary Kay career car and travelled an estimated 4.3 billion miles. 

"The Chevy Equinox has been completely redesigned and meets the needs of today’s driver whose looking for a stylish, fun and roomy mid-size SUV," said Susan Timmermeister, Director, Strategic Development and Business Services for Mary Kay Cosmetics Ltd. "We also wanted to leave a distinct mark on the roads, and the Equinox does just that with its exclusively branded exterior that captures our new branding campaign: Confident. Beautiful. Connected. Now, along with the legendary pink Cadillac, the independent sales force can show the country that our brand is boldly beautiful, empowers women and makes an impression.” 

Follow the adventures of the branded Chevy Equinox on social media @marykaycanada.

For more information about Mary Kay’s company timeline, positive community impact, rewarding opportunity and irresistible products, click here.

About Mary Kay
At Mary Kay, success lies in our dedication to irresistible products, a rewarding opportunity and positive community impact. For 55 years, Mary Kay has inspired women to achieve their entrepreneurial goals in nearly 40 countries.  As a multibillion-dollar company, we offer the latest in cutting-edge skin care, bold color cosmetics and fragrances. Discover more reasons to love Mary Kay at
Chevy Equinox