The best part about being your own boss is that you get to set your own schedule. Every morning I bring my kids to school & pick them up in the afternoon. Some evenings I do MK pampering sessions and some evenings I take them to their Sports and activities My schedule is very flexible. I do love to get together & pamper women & show them how great and amazing these products are and what the opportunity May hold for them as well. Call or text me anytime
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Ce gel léger, non gras et riche en antioxydants ravive la peau sèche, lui laissant une sensation de fraîcheur. Testé en clinique pour l’irritation cutanée et les allergies. Convient aux peaux sensibles Sans huile et sans parfum Non comédogène (n’obstrue pas les pores). Hypoallergénique.
Appliquez-le après votre hydratant habituel.