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Visit the App StoreIn order to provide the best service possible for my customers , I have a web site that is open 24/7. Appointments can be booked days, evening or weekends via zoom or in person. Samples are provided upon request.
0item(s) in your Bag
• Browse and shop from the palm of your hand with mobile-optimizes pages and app.
• Watch helpful how-to videos on the page without leaving the catalog.
• Save your favourite products, and share your wish list.
• Download catalogs to view offline.
• Get helpful advice and beauty how-tos to keep you on-trend and in the know.
• Transition seamlessly to try on products with Mary Kay® MirrorMe™ augmented-reality makeovers.
• Jump between pages and sections easily, thanks to updated navigation and catalog section tools.
• Plus, you can still add bookmarks and sticky notes, share to social and email, and so much more!