Mobile 4038527932 Mobile 4038527932

The Best Times To Reach Me

Call me any time! I look forward to hearing from you.

Languages I Speak

English, French

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How I Bring Beauty To You?

I’m an easygoing woman who loves to have fun and make lasting memories with friends. I believe happy women are the most beautiful. I also believe in enhancing natural beauty, not covering it up, and aging gracefully, just not today! Let me help you find your perfect skincare or demystify that newest makeup trend. You’re a beautiful, confident woman and I’m so excited to help you discover your true beauty. Let's talk

My Favourite Product

Mary Kay® Ultimate Mascara

I truly believe that serving customers is one of the great factors that sets us apart from every other company. Mary Kay Ash
TimeWise® Miracle Set®

My Specialties

  • Age Fighting Skin Care
  • Makeup Application & Makeovers
  • Foundation Shade Matching
  • Gift Giving
  • Hosting Fabulous Party
  • Mary Kay Business Opportunity

Delivery Options

  • Deliver to your Home
  • Mail
  • Pick Up
  • Deliver to your workplace